Saturday, 27 July 2024

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Magnetic Exchange


Founded In: 2017
Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is peer-to-peer electronic cash for the Internet. It is fully decentralized, with no central bank and requires no trusted third parties to operate. Bitcoin Cash is the continuation of the Bitcoin project as peer-to-peer digital cash. It is a fork of the Bitcoin blockchain ledger, with upgraded consensus rules that allow it to grow and scale.

Anyone who held Bitcoin at the time Bitcoin Cash was created became owners of Bitcoin Cash. This means that Bitcoin holders as of block 478558 (August 1st, 2017 about 13:16 UTC) have the same amount of Bitcoin Cash as they had Bitcoin at that time. If your Bitcoins are stored by a third party such as an exchange, then you must inquire with them about your Bitcoin Cash.

Bitcoin Cash has raised the block size limit from 1MB to 8MB as part of a massive on-chain scaling approach. There is ample capacity for everyone's transactions resulting in Lower fees and fast confirmations have returned with Bitcoin Cash.

Exchange List

Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to AdvCash-EUR Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Payeer
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to AdvCash-RUB Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Paymer
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to AdvCash-USD Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Paypal-EUR
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Alfa-click Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Paypal-RUB
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Alipay Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Paypal-USD
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Astropay-USD Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to PaySafeCard
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Avangard Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Paysera-EUR
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Belarusbank Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Paysera-USD
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Bitcoin Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to PayWeb
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to BTC-e-RUB Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Payza-EUR
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to BTC-e-USD Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Payza-USD
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to C-cex Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Peercoin
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to C-Gold Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Perfect-Money-EUR
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Cash-KZT Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Perfect-Money-USD
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Cash-RUB Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Privat-24-EUR
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Cash-UAH Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Privat-24-UAH
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Cash-USD Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Privat-24-USD
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Contact-RUB Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Promsvyazbank
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Contact-USD Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to QIWI-RUB
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Dash Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to QIWI-USD
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Dogecoin Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Raiffeisen
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to EasyPay Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to RIA-USD
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Ripple
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Russian-Standart
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to E-dinar Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Sberbank-KZT
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Epay Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Sberbank-RUB
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to ePayments Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Sberbank-USD
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Ether Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Skrill-EUR
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to EXMO-USD Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Skrill-USD
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to EXMO-EURO Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Solid-Trust-Pay
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Fasapay-USD Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Tinkoff
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Fasapay-IDR Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Trustpay-EUR
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Fortebank Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to UnionPay
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Golden-Crown-RUB Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Unistream
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Golden-Crown-USD Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Visa_MasterCard-EUR
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to HalykBank Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Visa_MasterCard-KZT
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to helix-money Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Visa_MasterCard-RUB
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Kaspi-Bank Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Visa_MasterCard-UAH
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Kazkombank Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Visa_MasterCard-USD
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Kukuruza Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to VTB24
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Lavapay-EUR Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to W1-RUB
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Lavapay-USD Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to W1-UAH
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Liqpay-RUB Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to W1-USD
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Liqpay-UAH Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Web-Transfer
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Liqpay-USD Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to WebMoney-WMB
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Litecoin Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to WebMoney-WME
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to MoneyGram-EUR Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to WebMoney-WMG
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to MoneyGram-USD Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to WebMoney-WMR
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Moneypolo-EUR Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to WebMoney-WMU
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Moneypolo-USD Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to WebMoney-WMX
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Namecoin Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to WebMoney-WMY
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Neteller-EUR Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to WebMoney-WMZ
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Neteller-USD Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Western-Union-EUR
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Nixmoney Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Western-Union-USD
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to OKPay-EUR Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Wire-EUR
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to OKPay-RUB Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Wire-GBP
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to OKPay-USD Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Wire-KZT
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to OOOPay-EUR Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Wire-RUB
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to OOOPay-RUB Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Wire-UAH
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to OpenBank Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Wire-USD
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Paxum-EUR Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Yandex-Money
Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Paxum-USD Exchange Bitcoin-Cash to Z-Payment

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