Founded In: -
Alfa Bank
Alfa-Bank is a member of Alfa Group Consortium having its headquarter in Moscow, Russia.
Bank Link - https://alfabank.com
Alfa-Bank has more than 200 branches in Russia and the CIS, and subsidiaries in Kazakhstan, the Netherlands, and the United States.
The Bank’s CIS branch network offers a full range of commercial and investment banking services to corporate and retail clients. Alfa-Bank’s wholly owned subsidiary in the Netherlands, Amsterdam Trade Bank N. V., has a European banking licence. It primarily serves clients in import/export finance.
Alfa-Bank places a great deal of emphasis on expanding its investment services to foreign clients. FSA-regulated Alfa Capital Markets in London and Alforma Capital Markets in New York, a NASD/ SIPC-registered Broker-Dealer in New York, are well positioned to serve clients throughout the EU and North America.