Founded In: 1990
VTB24 (POA) is one of the largest private bank based in Russian market. Bank has huge network with over 1062 Office at 72 different locations in Russia. Group has set very high standard in maintaining and improving financial system of Russia. Since 29th Oct’2014; activities of VTB 24 (PAO) is carried out under a general license of the Bank of Russia 1623. Almost 99.93% share of VTB 24 (PAO) is with VTB Bank & its associates (Public Joint Stock Company) and the remaining 0.07% shares are with minority shareholders. The authorized capital of VTB 24 (PAO) is 103,973,260,251 (One hundred and three billion nine hundred seventy-three million two hundred sixty thousand two hundred fifty one) rubles. Only in first six months of 2013; VTB Group earned 27.6 billion rubles and its total asset is around 8.4 trillion rubles. The Group’s largest subsidiaries in Russia are VTB24, Bank of Moscow, and TransCreditBank.
Services provided by bank includes: Issue of bank cards, mortgage and consumer lending, auto lending, remote account management, credit cards with a grace period, time deposits, lease of safe deposit boxes, money transfers.
Bank Details VTB 24 (PAO)
- Corr. account: 30101810100000000716 in the State Bank of Russia for the Central Federal District
- INN: 7710353606
- BIC: 044525716
- Code of Enterprise 20606880
- IBAN code: 96120
- BIN Bank: 1027739207462 on 17.09.2002
- Transmission: 775001001
Exchange List