Saturday, 27 July 2024

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Founded In: 2002
Union Pay

Union Pay well known as China Union Pay (CUP) is only domestic bank card organization in the People's Republic of China (PRC). Founded on 26-March-2002, Union Pay is an association for China's banking card industry, operating under the approval of the People's Bank of China (PBOC, central bank of China).

Union Pay International (UPI) is a subsidiary of China Union Pay which focuses on the growth and support of Union Pay’s global business.

Features of Union Pay

  • Partnership with more than 400 institutions worldwide
  • Union Pay International has enabled card acceptance in over 150 countries and regions with issuance in more than 40 countries and regions.
  • Cost effective, secure cross-border payment services to the world’s largest cardholder base
  • It is an EFTPOS (Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale) network.
  • Union Pay is second-largest payment network by value of transactions processed, behind Visa.
  • Union Pay credit cards are also affiliated with American Express, MasterCard or Visa.

Exchange List

Exchange UnionPay to AdvCash-EUR Exchange UnionPay to PaySafeCard
Exchange UnionPay to AdvCash-RUB Exchange UnionPay to Paysera-EUR
Exchange UnionPay to AdvCash-USD Exchange UnionPay to Paysera-USD
Exchange UnionPay to Alfa-click Exchange UnionPay to PayWeb
Exchange UnionPay to Astropay-USD Exchange UnionPay to Payza-EUR
Exchange UnionPay to Avangard Exchange UnionPay to Payza-USD
Exchange UnionPay to Belarusbank Exchange UnionPay to Perfect-Money-EUR
Exchange UnionPay to Bitcoin Exchange UnionPay to Perfect-Money-USD
Exchange UnionPay to BTC-e-RUB Exchange UnionPay to Privat-24-EUR
Exchange UnionPay to BTC-e-USD Exchange UnionPay to Privat-24-UAH
Exchange UnionPay to C-Gold Exchange UnionPay to Privat-24-USD
Exchange UnionPay to Cash-KZT Exchange UnionPay to Promsvyazbank
Exchange UnionPay to Cash-RUB Exchange UnionPay to QIWI-RUB
Exchange UnionPay to Cash-UAH Exchange UnionPay to QIWI-USD
Exchange UnionPay to Cash-USD Exchange UnionPay to Raiffeisen
Exchange UnionPay to Contact-RUB Exchange UnionPay to RIA-USD
Exchange UnionPay to Contact-USD Exchange UnionPay to Russian-Standart
Exchange UnionPay to Dash Exchange UnionPay to Sberbank-KZT
Exchange UnionPay to Dogecoin Exchange UnionPay to Sberbank-RUB
Exchange UnionPay to EasyPay Exchange UnionPay to Sberbank-USD
Exchange UnionPay to Ecoin Exchange UnionPay to Skrill-EUR
Exchange UnionPay to ePayments Exchange UnionPay to Skrill-USD
Exchange UnionPay to Fasapay-USD Exchange UnionPay to Solid-Trust-Pay
Exchange UnionPay to Fasapay-IDR Exchange UnionPay to Tinkoff
Exchange UnionPay to Fortebank Exchange UnionPay to Trustpay-EUR
Exchange UnionPay to Golden-Crown-RUB Exchange UnionPay to UnionPay
Exchange UnionPay to Golden-Crown-USD Exchange UnionPay to Unistream
Exchange UnionPay to HalykBank Exchange UnionPay to Visa_MasterCard-EUR
Exchange UnionPay to Kaspi-Bank Exchange UnionPay to Visa_MasterCard-KZT
Exchange UnionPay to Kazkombank Exchange UnionPay to Visa_MasterCard-RUB
Exchange UnionPay to Kukuruza Exchange UnionPay to Visa_MasterCard-UAH
Exchange UnionPay to Lavapay-EUR Exchange UnionPay to Visa_MasterCard-USD
Exchange UnionPay to Lavapay-USD Exchange UnionPay to VTB24
Exchange UnionPay to Liqpay-RUB Exchange UnionPay to W1-RUB
Exchange UnionPay to Liqpay-UAH Exchange UnionPay to W1-UAH
Exchange UnionPay to Liqpay-USD Exchange UnionPay to W1-USD
Exchange UnionPay to Litecoin Exchange UnionPay to Web-Transfer
Exchange UnionPay to MoneyGram-EUR Exchange UnionPay to WebMoney-WMB
Exchange UnionPay to MoneyGram-USD Exchange UnionPay to WebMoney-WME
Exchange UnionPay to Moneypolo-EUR Exchange UnionPay to WebMoney-WMG
Exchange UnionPay to Moneypolo-USD Exchange UnionPay to WebMoney-WMR
Exchange UnionPay to Neteller-EUR Exchange UnionPay to WebMoney-WMU
Exchange UnionPay to Neteller-USD Exchange UnionPay to WebMoney-WMX
Exchange UnionPay to Nixmoney Exchange UnionPay to WebMoney-WMY
Exchange UnionPay to OKPay-EUR Exchange UnionPay to WebMoney-WMZ
Exchange UnionPay to OKPay-RUB Exchange UnionPay to Western-Union-EUR
Exchange UnionPay to OKPay-USD Exchange UnionPay to Western-Union-USD
Exchange UnionPay to OOOPay-EUR Exchange UnionPay to Wire-EUR
Exchange UnionPay to OOOPay-RUB Exchange UnionPay to Wire-GBP
Exchange UnionPay to OpenBank Exchange UnionPay to Wire-KZT
Exchange UnionPay to Paxum-EUR Exchange UnionPay to Wire-RUB
Exchange UnionPay to Paxum-USD Exchange UnionPay to Wire-UAH
Exchange UnionPay to Payeer Exchange UnionPay to Wire-USD
Exchange UnionPay to Paypal-EUR Exchange UnionPay to Yandex-Money
Exchange UnionPay to Paypal-RUB Exchange UnionPay to Z-Payment
Exchange UnionPay to Paypal-USD  

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