Tuesday, 25 March 2025

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Magnetic Exchange


Founded In: 2012

Ripple (XRP) is blockchain created by banks which is pre-mined unlike bitcoin and Ethereum. Ripple connect banks, corporate, exchanger, payment providers to send money globally. It is real time gross settlement system, currency exchange and remittance network. It enables simple, instant and nearly free global financial transaction of any size with no chargeback.

 Why Ripple?

  • Cost Efficient: - Currently cross border transaction requires many intermediaries; thus settlement takes multiple days (2-4 Days). Ripple enable cross border payment within banks to be executed within seconds (5-10 Seconds) providing banks end to end visibility throughout the transaction.
  • Strong Investor Base: - It has strong investors base which includes Google ventures, Accenture, Santander, Seagate, Axis Bank, SBI Remit, Unicredit and others. It has strong advisory board that includes Bank of America, UBS, RBC and others.
  • Speed of Transaction: - Ripple handle 1500 transaction per second, 24x7 and is scale to handle the same throughput as VISA.
  • Global Presence: - It has real time global payment across 27 countries and has 10 production accounts. With offices in San Francisco, New York, London, Sydney, India, Singapore and Luxembourg, Ripple has more than 90 customers around the world.

Why Not Ripple?

  • Governing body of ripple owns more than 50% of coins. Unlike Bitcoin & Ethereum, Ripple is a relatively closed blockchain.
  • Ripple is not an Open Blockchain. Individuals can’t get full access to the Ripple Network. To send money through ripple wallet, you should be accepted as trustworthy by ripple network. Considering most users in ripple network are banks, they have no reason to accept you.

Exchange List

Exchange Ripple to AdvCash-EUR Exchange Ripple to Payeer
Exchange Ripple to AdvCash-RUB Exchange Ripple to Paymer
Exchange Ripple to AdvCash-USD Exchange Ripple to Paypal-EUR
Exchange Ripple to Alfa-click Exchange Ripple to Paypal-RUB
Exchange Ripple to Alipay Exchange Ripple to Paypal-USD
Exchange Ripple to Astropay-USD Exchange Ripple to PaySafeCard
Exchange Ripple to Avangard Exchange Ripple to Paysera-EUR
Exchange Ripple to Belarusbank Exchange Ripple to Paysera-USD
Exchange Ripple to Bitcoin Exchange Ripple to PayWeb
Exchange Ripple to BTC-e-RUB Exchange Ripple to Payza-EUR
Exchange Ripple to BTC-e-USD Exchange Ripple to Payza-USD
Exchange Ripple to C-cex Exchange Ripple to Perfect-Money-EUR
Exchange Ripple to C-Gold Exchange Ripple to Perfect-Money-USD
Exchange Ripple to Cash-KZT Exchange Ripple to Privat-24-EUR
Exchange Ripple to Cash-RUB Exchange Ripple to Privat-24-UAH
Exchange Ripple to Cash-UAH Exchange Ripple to Privat-24-USD
Exchange Ripple to Cash-USD Exchange Ripple to Promsvyazbank
Exchange Ripple to Contact-RUB Exchange Ripple to QIWI-RUB
Exchange Ripple to Contact-USD Exchange Ripple to QIWI-USD
Exchange Ripple to Dash Exchange Ripple to Raiffeisen
Exchange Ripple to Dogecoin Exchange Ripple to RIA-USD
Exchange Ripple to EasyPay Exchange Ripple to Russian-Standart
Exchange Ripple to Ecoin.cc Exchange Ripple to Sberbank-KZT
Exchange Ripple to eCoin.eu Exchange Ripple to Sberbank-RUB
Exchange Ripple to E-dinar Exchange Ripple to Sberbank-USD
Exchange Ripple to Epay Exchange Ripple to Skrill-EUR
Exchange Ripple to ePayments Exchange Ripple to Skrill-USD
Exchange Ripple to EXMO-USD Exchange Ripple to Solid-Trust-Pay
Exchange Ripple to EXMO-EURO Exchange Ripple to Tinkoff
Exchange Ripple to Fasapay-USD Exchange Ripple to Trustpay-EUR
Exchange Ripple to Fasapay-IDR Exchange Ripple to UnionPay
Exchange Ripple to Fortebank Exchange Ripple to Unistream
Exchange Ripple to Golden-Crown-RUB Exchange Ripple to Visa_MasterCard-EUR
Exchange Ripple to Golden-Crown-USD Exchange Ripple to Visa_MasterCard-KZT
Exchange Ripple to HalykBank Exchange Ripple to Visa_MasterCard-RUB
Exchange Ripple to Kaspi-Bank Exchange Ripple to Visa_MasterCard-UAH
Exchange Ripple to Kazkombank Exchange Ripple to Visa_MasterCard-USD
Exchange Ripple to Kukuruza Exchange Ripple to VTB24
Exchange Ripple to Lavapay-EUR Exchange Ripple to W1-RUB
Exchange Ripple to Lavapay-USD Exchange Ripple to W1-UAH
Exchange Ripple to Liqpay-RUB Exchange Ripple to W1-USD
Exchange Ripple to Liqpay-UAH Exchange Ripple to Web-Transfer
Exchange Ripple to Liqpay-USD Exchange Ripple to WebMoney-WMB
Exchange Ripple to Litecoin Exchange Ripple to WebMoney-WME
Exchange Ripple to MoneyGram-EUR Exchange Ripple to WebMoney-WMG
Exchange Ripple to MoneyGram-USD Exchange Ripple to WebMoney-WMR
Exchange Ripple to Moneypolo-EUR Exchange Ripple to WebMoney-WMU
Exchange Ripple to Moneypolo-USD Exchange Ripple to WebMoney-WMX
Exchange Ripple to Namecoin Exchange Ripple to WebMoney-WMY
Exchange Ripple to Neteller-EUR Exchange Ripple to WebMoney-WMZ
Exchange Ripple to Neteller-USD Exchange Ripple to Western-Union-EUR
Exchange Ripple to Nixmoney Exchange Ripple to Western-Union-USD
Exchange Ripple to OKPay-EUR Exchange Ripple to Wire-EUR
Exchange Ripple to OKPay-RUB Exchange Ripple to Wire-GBP
Exchange Ripple to OKPay-USD Exchange Ripple to Wire-KZT
Exchange Ripple to OOOPay-EUR Exchange Ripple to Wire-RUB
Exchange Ripple to OOOPay-RUB Exchange Ripple to Wire-UAH
Exchange Ripple to OpenBank Exchange Ripple to Wire-USD
Exchange Ripple to Paxum-EUR Exchange Ripple to Yandex-Money
Exchange Ripple to Paxum-USD Exchange Ripple to Z-Payment


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