Sunday, 23 March 2025

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Magnetic Exchange


Founded In: 2012

Peercoin (PPCoin or PPC), is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency utilizing hybrid system that works with proof-of-stake (PoS) and proof-of-work (PoW) systems. Peercoin is the first coin to introduce Proof of Stake to secure the network. Proof of Work is also used in Peercoin, to promote fair coin distribution, but is not necessary for the security of the network. The advantage of this is that the chance of a 51% attack (in which one party has over 51% of the hash rate and a double spend can be made) is drastically diminished.

Inspired by Bitcoin; Peercoin was founded by Scott Nadal and Sunny King in August 2012. Later on Scott Nadal became slient partner leaving Sunny King as sole core developer. Peercoin is one of the largest cryptocurrency considering market capitalization. The Peercoin source code is distributed under the MIT/X11 software license.

Peercoin Mining

Major cryptocoin like bitcoin, Litecoin etc requires massive power houses (i.e. specialized hardware) for mining, but Peercoin mining can be done on any computer.  Peercoin Mining is energy-efficient and because of PoS system; coins are generated based on the coins the people already have in their possession. By mining, users can earn 1% annually. Coins are first eligible to mint 30 days after they have been transferred, and after 90 days, their chance of success is maximized. For regular miners, earning even gets compounded.

The change of PPC money supply is determined by:

  • ?Proof of Work mining (increases supply)
  • ?Number of transactions (decreases supply by 0.01 PPC per transaction)
  • ?Proof of Stake minting (increases supply at a rate up to 1% per year)

Peercoin Exchange

Peercoin Wallet

Peercoin Mining

Exchange List

Exchange Peercoin to AdvCash-EUR Exchange Peercoin to Payeer
Exchange Peercoin to AdvCash-RUB Exchange Peercoin to Paymer
Exchange Peercoin to AdvCash-USD Exchange Peercoin to Paypal-EUR
Exchange Peercoin to Alfa-click Exchange Peercoin to Paypal-RUB
Exchange Peercoin to Alipay Exchange Peercoin to Paypal-USD
Exchange Peercoin to Astropay-USD Exchange Peercoin to PaySafeCard
Exchange Peercoin to Avangard Exchange Peercoin to Paysera-EUR
Exchange Peercoin to Belarusbank Exchange Peercoin to Paysera-USD
Exchange Peercoin to Bitcoin Exchange Peercoin to PayWeb
Exchange Peercoin to BTC-e-RUB Exchange Peercoin to Payza-EUR
Exchange Peercoin to BTC-e-USD Exchange Peercoin to Payza-USD
Exchange Peercoin to C-cex Exchange Peercoin to Perfect-Money-EUR
Exchange Peercoin to C-Gold Exchange Peercoin to Perfect-Money-USD
Exchange Peercoin to Cash-KZT Exchange Peercoin to Privat-24-EUR
Exchange Peercoin to Cash-RUB Exchange Peercoin to Privat-24-UAH
Exchange Peercoin to Cash-UAH Exchange Peercoin to Privat-24-USD
Exchange Peercoin to Cash-USD Exchange Peercoin to Promsvyazbank
Exchange Peercoin to Contact-RUB Exchange Peercoin to QIWI-RUB
Exchange Peercoin to Contact-USD Exchange Peercoin to QIWI-USD
Exchange Peercoin to Dash Exchange Peercoin to Raiffeisen
Exchange Peercoin to Dogecoin Exchange Peercoin to RIA-USD
Exchange Peercoin to EasyPay Exchange Peercoin to Russian-Standart
Exchange Peercoin to Exchange Peercoin to Sberbank-KZT
Exchange Peercoin to Exchange Peercoin to Sberbank-RUB
Exchange Peercoin to E-dinar Exchange Peercoin to Sberbank-USD
Exchange Peercoin to Epay Exchange Peercoin to Skrill-EUR
Exchange Peercoin to ePayments Exchange Peercoin to Skrill-USD
Exchange Peercoin to EXMO-USD Exchange Peercoin to Solid-Trust-Pay
Exchange Peercoin to EXMO-EURO Exchange Peercoin to Tinkoff
Exchange Peercoin to Fasapay-USD Exchange Peercoin to Trustpay-EUR
Exchange Peercoin to Fasapay-IDR Exchange Peercoin to UnionPay
Exchange Peercoin to Fortebank Exchange Peercoin to Unistream
Exchange Peercoin to Golden-Crown-RUB Exchange Peercoin to Visa_MasterCard-EUR
Exchange Peercoin to Golden-Crown-USD Exchange Peercoin to Visa_MasterCard-KZT
Exchange Peercoin to HalykBank Exchange Peercoin to Visa_MasterCard-RUB
Exchange Peercoin to Kaspi-Bank Exchange Peercoin to Visa_MasterCard-UAH
Exchange Peercoin to Kazkombank Exchange Peercoin to Visa_MasterCard-USD
Exchange Peercoin to Kukuruza Exchange Peercoin to VTB24
Exchange Peercoin to Lavapay-EUR Exchange Peercoin to W1-RUB
Exchange Peercoin to Lavapay-USD Exchange Peercoin to W1-UAH
Exchange Peercoin to Liqpay-RUB Exchange Peercoin to W1-USD
Exchange Peercoin to Liqpay-UAH Exchange Peercoin to Web-Transfer
Exchange Peercoin to Liqpay-USD Exchange Peercoin to WebMoney-WMB
Exchange Peercoin to Litecoin Exchange Peercoin to WebMoney-WME
Exchange Peercoin to MoneyGram-EUR Exchange Peercoin to WebMoney-WMG
Exchange Peercoin to MoneyGram-USD Exchange Peercoin to WebMoney-WMR
Exchange Peercoin to Moneypolo-EUR Exchange Peercoin to WebMoney-WMU
Exchange Peercoin to Moneypolo-USD Exchange Peercoin to WebMoney-WMX
Exchange Peercoin to Namecoin Exchange Peercoin to WebMoney-WMY
Exchange Peercoin to Neteller-EUR Exchange Peercoin to WebMoney-WMZ
Exchange Peercoin to Neteller-USD Exchange Peercoin to Western-Union-EUR
Exchange Peercoin to Nixmoney Exchange Peercoin to Western-Union-USD
Exchange Peercoin to OKPay-EUR Exchange Peercoin to Wire-EUR
Exchange Peercoin to OKPay-RUB Exchange Peercoin to Wire-GBP
Exchange Peercoin to OKPay-USD Exchange Peercoin to Wire-KZT
Exchange Peercoin to OOOPay-EUR Exchange Peercoin to Wire-RUB
Exchange Peercoin to OOOPay-RUB Exchange Peercoin to Wire-UAH
Exchange Peercoin to OpenBank Exchange Peercoin to Wire-USD
Exchange Peercoin to Paxum-EUR Exchange Peercoin to Yandex-Money
Exchange Peercoin to Paxum-USD Exchange Peercoin to Z-Payment

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